Those other Joe Hages!

(This article first appeared on April 24, 2008.) Back in the day, me and Dad — we were the only Joe Hages that mattered. Now with this new-fangled Internet thing, there are Joe Hages all over the place! There’s the Lebanese Coalition Joe Hage and the baseball-playing Joe Hage. The legal Joe Hage could defend […]

Historia de un letrero

A friend sent me this beautiful short film, “Historia de un letrero” (The story of a sign). It poignantly demonstrates the power of words. The movie touched me. As did the comment in his email. “You have this gift,” he said. (After the video, click here for an ad I wrote and about which I […]

Everything happens for a reason

This post is the first I ever wrote. I share it to inspire readers looking for a job in this tough economy. I was there.

BadBanana’s book: Marching Bands are Just Homeless Orchestras

At last! Tim Siedell, known to more than 400,000 Twitter followers as “Bad Banana” has written his first book: “Marching Bands are Just Homeless Orchestras.” Tim sat down with Joe for a funny interview. (You expected differently?)

Big words: good or bad?

I have a rich vocabulary and I like using it. Is that so bad? According to one of my closest Wharton buddies, yes. “As soon as you pass the SAT exam, you should get rid of those words. First, you sound arrogant. Second, when use words people don’t know, you make them uncomfortable.” I brought […] – Short clips of your favorites [VIDEO] collects clips and makes them searchable. I challenge you to click and NOT spend a half hour on this post!