Archives for September 2010 – Short clips of your favorites [VIDEO] collects clips and makes them searchable. I challenge you to click and NOT spend a half hour on this post!

HTML code to open an email window with subject + body copy

Joe shares a little find: How to pre-populate your “to,” “subject line,” and “body copy” in a hyperlinked email. Maybe you knew this already? All others, enjoy!

Marketing a Paid Membership Site: 6 Strategies for Building Your Audience

Guest blogger Judy Dunn writes, “We learned so much in getting Savvy WordPress to launch day. Hoping this helps others who may be considering a membership site.” Dig in.

What to do if you’re “just not into social media”

Social media can help a business connect with its clients. Guest blogger Antonia Harler offers suggestions and perspective for businesses that “just can’t get into social media.”

4 Reads for Bloggers

Links to helpful articles from Copyblogger, Chris Pirillo, Michael Hyatt, Tia Peterson, and Jason Fladlein.

Book Review: Shannon Evans’ “Making Tweets Work for your Business” [sponsored]

Joe reviews Shannon’s latest book, “The Definitive Twitter Guide: Making Tweets Work for your Business,” and shares some (but not all) of Shannon’s secrets.