Archives for August 2008

Historia de un letrero

A friend sent me this beautiful short film, “Historia de un letrero” (The story of a sign). It poignantly demonstrates the power of words. The movie touched me. As did the comment in his email. “You have this gift,” he said. (After the video, click here for an ad I wrote and about which I […]

Dear employer: I’m not perfect

I once had an interviewer ask me a question so direct that I had two choices: lie, or tell her an unfiltered, embarrassing truth.

I told the truth.

And I got the job — not in spite of my embarrassing admission but because of it. Read on.

The Art of Living

Every once in a while, someone enters your life and alters your path. Are you aware enough to know when it’s happening? (It might be happening right now, with this blog posting.) Shyam Nair altered my path. We met at StockPot, Campbell’s fastest growing division at the time, when I was Director of Marketing there. […]

Joe, why do you keep a blog?

I get this question surprisingly often. “I don’t get it,” they start. “Why do you keep a blog? I thought you liked your job.” “I do. Very much. I’m not looking.” “Then why do you keep a blog?” Read on for the answers.

Knowledge @ Wharton

My alma mater made an online resource available to the public. Take a look. They cover: Finance and Investment Leadership and Change Executive Education Marketing Insurance and Pensions Health Economics Strategic Management Real Estate Law and Public Policy Human Resources Business Ethics Innovation and Entrepreneurship Operations Management Managing Technology Enjoy! Joe Hage

Michael Moore Sicko and HR 676

I’ve never written my state representative on my own. It’s time. (Click here for Senator Murray’s response and click here for Representative Jay Inslee’s response.) Beth and I just watched Michael Moore’s Sicko. Have you seen this film about universal healthcare? To be sure, Michael is a masterful storyteller. If even a fraction is true […]