Archives for July 2008

The Poor … by Zachary Hage, Age 6

What about the Poor? They have nothing to do. I give them toys. You know you have to do it sometimes. I give them toys because they don’t have any. Why don’t they have any toys? Because they don’t have enough money. I don’t know why they don’t have enough money. Or, maybe they just […]

Introducing Zachary and Lucas

Zach’s dad had an idea: What would it look like if a six-year-old had his own blog? What if his four-year-old brother helped? Would children want to read it? Would it be a destination site for parents to share with their children? We don’t know. But Zach’s excited about the idea. And once Luke catches […]

If you are thinking about publishing…

For credibility and distribution, depending on your industry, a name brand “Simon & Schuster Free Press” is kind of like getting into Harvard. BUT if you self-publish and it gets hot enough, a name brand may want to pick it up. Publishing. Content. The message is coming out over and over again, in every session […]

SEO, social media, and a full-time job

There is SO much to learn about search engine optimization (SEO) and social media. It’s a full-time job! I met a host of prolific bloggers at BizJam Seattle 08 today. I heard as many points of view of “what works” as speakers who took the stage. I understood DL Byron of Textura Design say that […]

How to write an article like Karrie Kohlhaas

(This article originally appeared on July 1 on If you’ve never met Karrie, do. Go to her Biznik page, see where she’ll be and go. If it’s a sit down, sit next to her. If it’s a mixer, hover. She’s smart, delightful and, if you’re lucky enough to hire her, she can shower you […]

OMG! It was so easy to set up a blog site!

The ‘blogging for kids’ concept for my children is a hit with my family. So it was time for me to figure out how to create a simple blog-based website from scratch. I started this article as I was learning how to set up a blog, to share it with you here. It seemed like […]