
Joe Hage’s very colorful resume: Joe Hage resume PDF

Wharton MBA and classically trained senior marketing professional providing coaching, consultation, and marketing services for life science companies, especially those in the medical device, biotechnology, and medical distribution industries. CEO and Founder of Medical Marcom.

Medical Marcom is a medical marketing consultancy specializing in marketing communications, marketing strategy, lead generation, web development, and social media.

We have a deep bench of marketing talent in virtually every marketing discipline. If you’re looking to increase the quality and quantity of your medical leads, we’ll not only help you – we’ll exceed your expectations!


Marketing communication Marketing strategy Web development
Lead generation Social media + blog Bold, innovative thinking
Acquisition + retention Advertising in any medium Complete brand experience
B2B and B2C marketing Brand positioning Direct and Internet marketing
Team leadership Creative development Increasing lifetime value

CARDIAC SCIENCE, a publicly-traded medical device company in Bothell, WA
Director of Marketing Communications, 11/07 – 03/11
Brought fresh thinking to traditional medical equipment sales. Now sharing that expertise with the life sciences industries. Raised overall brand awareness; increased sales and goodwill through clear communications and a more approachable brand.
Branding: Consolidated three disparate sub-brands under one corporate umbrella, dissolved all prior logos, recast 100% of Cardiac Science’s collateral into the new brand within first year. Introduced new concepts at global sales meeting; won early and consistent support from the Sales team through transition.
Strategy: Worked with Product Marketing to position each product distinctly in our diagnostic portfolio.
Web: Won approval to “start over” and build a completely new Web presence for the company – on time and on budget. Oversaw all phases of Web development and introduced Cardiac Science to social media.
Social media: Championed a blog, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, and several online strategies responsible for 7,000+ incremental touches with customers, partners, and prospects per month.
Lead Generation: Raised website page views by 253 percent. Helped generate a lead pipeline valued (by Sales) at more than $7 million (15-month period).
Customer Acquisition: Attracted schools/colleges with “” fundraising concept.
Collateral: Introduced dozens of new pieces including corporate and channel brochures, an eight-page trade promotion that garnered 100 quotable endorsements from key distributors, video content, and direct marketing concepts worth hundreds of thousands in new business.
Copywriting and Advertising: Conceived and wrote (in house) for 15 products in several market segments.
Promotions: Generated $150K (incremental) with a first-of-its-kind online promotion for 700 distributor reps. Became the company’s early “super user.” Worked on the contract, business requirements, data migration, data integration, training, and company-wide adoption of the system.
Leadership: Led the Marketing Communications department of up to seven. Managed a multi-million dollar budget. Co-captained the company’s Heart Walk effort to its greatest participation and fundraising levels ever.
Telemarketing: Identified, set up an outbound firm; supported campaigns with ROIs exceeding 100 percent.

SAFECO, a Fortune 500 property and casualty insurance company in Seattle, WA
Assistant Vice President of Marketing, 7/06 – 9/07
Led marketing for Safeco’s $4-billion personal insurance division (65% of revenues). Developed and executed comprehensive programs to support auto, homeowners and other insurance products for individuals.
• Identified as a high-potential employee within six months of hire.
• Conceived a unique-to-the-industry insight and led a cross-functional team to make it a reality. The scope helps retain 10,000+ who change addresses each year.
• Trademarked four concepts, one of which may be patentable and may change the way products are sold.
• Recommended a process innovation that may increase cross sales of a product by 400%.
• Authored a 60-page, industry award-winning playbook to help our agents better understand Safeco, the products and markets we support and where we are most competitive.
• Persuaded Safeco to share more about our pricing methodologies with our agent partners. Produced three guidebooks (240,000 total circulation) to rave employee and agency reviews. Won industry recognition.

STOCKPOT, a $100-million Campbell Soup Company in Woodinville, WA
Director of Marketing, 10/04 – 7/06
Reported to the President with responsibility for directing all branding, positioning, advertising, public relations, direct marketing and interactive efforts. Exceeded plan by 25% in first full year while cutting 25% of the budget.
• Generated $100,000 to $400,000 in new business by conceiving and executing the first-ever StockPot culinary conference for 10 major universities, including Harvard, Stanford, and Duke.
• Delivered $100,000 in new business from the concept, development, and execution of an integrated direct marketing plan including direct mail, print and online media, sampling, and telemarketing.
• Enhanced the relationship with the largest US foodservice distributor by presenting prepared soup as a strategic imperative at the national Innovation Conference. Won approval to launch a Sysco-endorsed national marketing program to all regional businesses.
• Doubled StockPot’s earned media coverage versus year ago by nurturing relationships with, and delivering programs to, trade publications. Supported 20+ new products with these programs, a new advertising campaign, and initiatives targeting operators, brokers, and distributors.
• Built a solid marketing organization structure and the skills to deliver world-class competence.

MRA, Vice President of Direct Marketing
1-800-FLOWERS.COM, Director of Relationship Marketing, 7/99 – 10/04
• Managed direct and email marketing campaigns for Sallie Mae, Kinko’s, consumer and technology companies.
• Signed a $500K account and developed relationships with several major nationally recognized companies.
• Advised The Dannon Company with 2004 marketing plans on their flagship yogurt business.
• Delivered a complete assessment for a $100-million direct-access brokerage. Gained approval to close division and save $1 million annually. Developed metrics, sales compensation, deliverables, and timelines.
• Led branding, positioning, and strategic planning for an online greeting card site. Won Board approval to streamline and save $250K annually. Developed prototypes, conducted usability studies. Managed team.
• Developed and executed $6-million relationship marketing plan, with volume and spending accountability.
• Directed new customer welcome, acquisition efforts, retention programs, and best customer initiatives.

KRAFT FOODS, INC. in Rye Brook, NY
Brand Manager, Kool-Aid, Ready-to-Drink Kool-Aid, 1994 – 1999
Set objectives and strategies for 2000 marketing plan. Refocused division on ready-to-drink strategic role.
• Recommended fundamental shifts in advertising, merchandising, promotional, and packaging plans.
• Led consumer research and uncovered new insight, which became the foundation for new brand positioning.
• Made strong case, and won management support, to discontinue a $500,000 profit-generating business.

Brand Manager, New Product Development, Jell-O Trademark
Cultivated new product opportunities, including highly successful Oreo flavor introduced in 2001.
• Managed $30-million new product launch. Directed tech research on product development; the agency on positioning and copy strategy; sales and promotions on execution; packaging on strategic communication.
• Conceived and tested new product concepts, which scored among the highest in the trademark’s history.
• Grew channel volume (club stores +10%, military +15%) with improved programming and forecasting.

Associate Brand Manager, Lender’s Bagels
Assistant Brand Manager, Post Cereals

MBI, INC., a $350-million direct marketing company in Norwalk, CT
Associate Program Manager, 1992 – 1994

HSBC, Marine Midland Bank, N.A. in New York, NY
Financial Officer (promoted from Financial Associate), 1988 – 1990

, University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, PA
Master of Business Administration, Marketing and Finance May 1992
• Actor and writer, Wharton Follies

STERN SCHOOL OF BUSINESS, New York University in New York, NY
Bachelor of Science, Magna Cum Laude, Finance and Economics June 1988
• Exchange student, British and Spanish study programs, 1985-86