The Wonder Years

We were at Grandma’s house, in the pool, just me and seven-year-old Zachary.

I had tripped across Fred Savage’s page on Facebook earlier in the day. And was reflecting on The Wonder Years’ finale, “Independence Day.”

And it occurred to me that these are Zachary’s Wonder Years.

I said to Zachary, “One day you’ll be away at college. One day your brother will have a job. And you’ll remember how you used to take a bath with him.”

I asked, “What will you remember about your Wonder Years?”

He replied, “How you used to tuck me in all the time.”

Still makes me watery-eyed.

How will your children remember their Wonder Years?
And what are you doing to shape and reinforce those memories?

Click the image to watch this touching video.

Good luck from a fellow Dad,

Joe Hage

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