If your child likes video games …

… then you MUST see if there is a GameTruck franchise serving your market.

I showed my eight-year-old the video below and he went nuts. “How many days until my birthday?!” he exclaimed.

I met the “GameTruck guy” at a networking event and became friendly with him. [Disclosure: I helped him with marketing ideas so he let me bring Zachary and Lucas over for free.] Of course, it was almost impossible to get them out of the truck.

Here’s 8yo Zach (only 88 more days until his birthday!), telling you about his GameTruck experience:

It was great. It had, like, all these video games! There’s all these posters of them and there were, like, four 55-inch TVs with … it was just really great … I just didn’t want to get out.

There were some Rock Bands, some Super Mario games, Super Smash Brothers, um, there was some driving games (which I beat you and mom in!), and Lucas would not get off the drum set. He would just bang on whatever he wanted (my six-year-old brother, that is).

Everybody was just together, so when you had one game you wanted to play, you know you had more than one person to do it with.

Personally, I love this concept because if I have to go to one more Pump It Up or Chuck E. Cheese party I am going to scream! The Truck shows up at your house, the kids pile in, and they have a “Game Coach” to supervise the kids, promote fair play, and show them how to play the games. Our job, as parents, is to send 16 kids into the Truck for two hours and sit inside, have a drink and adult conversations. We don’t have to worry if they are safe / if somebody wandered off, etc.

Cool, huh? You can find out more at http://GameTruckParty.com. The Seattle guy runs promos on his Facebook fan page. Leave a comment and tell me what you think of the concept.

Joe Hage

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