Why I’m psyched today

http://browse.deviantart.com/?qh=&section=&global=1&q=psyched#/d2ax8h3Too many good things coming together for my soon-to-launch consultancy.

  1. BlueHost. The company hosting this website rocks. They spent 45 minutes on the phone with me to clear up why emails weren’t routing properly to my Google Apps account. I pay BlueHost $84 a year to host my site. I got two times that value today on that one phone call.
  2. iContact. Same here. They spent 30 minutes on the phone with me to help figure out why new subscribers weren’t getting their Welcome emails. Turns out, some email providers automatically send Welcome emails to spam folders (even though I tested the email for spam). Anyhow, now I know, so I know to ask subscribers to “check their spam folders.”
  3. New business. A friend in biotechnology asked me to scope and quote a new site for his company. I’m excited about the potential. (Want to work with me? Leave a comment or email me at JHage [at] MedicalMarcom.com.)
  4. New leads. I finally figured out how to get leads out of an article on this site that generates 3,000+ page views a month. A few trickled in already.
  5. TwoHourBlogger. Spent 20 minutes on the phone and made friends with “the next Copyblogger.” He taught me that, when you want to have “hidden content” on your site, make it a PAGE, not a POST. That way, you don’t have the content sent out to your subscribers’ email addresses and RSS feeders.
  6. Dinner with Dave. Looking forward to reconnecting with a mentor of mine. In fact, I have to go now!
  7. Design by Bruce Colthart. Bruce is designing a logo, website, etc. for me. I, of course, recommend him. (Tell him Joe sent you.)

Wha’d you do today?

Photo credit: Toon Dsorrow


  1. Very cool, Joe. It’s exciting to hear that you’re launching a new consultancy. I’m sure it will go very well for you. Do you have a Facebook Fan page?

    Today, my good news is that I received two referrals from someone, and have calls with those referrals this week. Not only does this help me meet my two per week goal, it was also karma, because last week I gave out two referrals and said to myself, “I hope this comes back to me.” And it did. From someone I hadn’t talked to in a really long time, and he gave me such a nice testimonial.

    Great day indeed!


    P.S. Glad your Bluehost experience is going well. I recently switched from them but I’m happy to hear that you’re happy with them.

  2. What a great day Joe! Looks like you are really gearing up for some exciting things in your new adventure. Continue to go big! I can’t wait to learn and hear more from you. Curious on the lead generation…sounds like some good strategy there. And I agree with you, Bluehost rocks!

  3. Thanks, Tia, yes, I have two: http://facebook.com/DoItYourselfMarketer and one I’m just starting, Medical Company Lead Generator http://ow.ly/41uO9

  4. Tammy, you must use an email contact management system like iContact, yes? I built a simple sign-up form (which was just a place to collect an email address) and, upon email capture, redirect the reader to something cool and relative to what he was reading.

  5. Hi Joe,

    This is GREAT news! When we first met at that Biznik event on Seattle’s Capital Hill, I envisioned you as a Indy Marketing Consultant. I am pleaseD you are stepping into (more of) your greatness.


    Keep me posted how I can best be of support.

    Looking forward to the Grand Opening/Great Unveiling (AKA “Launch”)

  6. You’ve always been so supportive, Tshombe, thank you. I’d genuinely like to help those who face marketing decisions all the time but lack the knowledge or structure to make the best decisions to grow their businesses. In many cases it may not be me who ultimately helps them, but the experts in my Rolodex. I’m best when helping companies looking to grow their customer bases and to increase purchase frequency. Invite these, among your clients and friends, to join http://facebook.com/doityourselfmarketer.

  7. Hey Joe,

    Didn’t realize I’m here. Cool! Thanks for the mention.

    Sounds like you’re a busy man. Look forward to watching what you do. Ok, I’m off to send ya an email.

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