Technorati blog claiming process

… is weird.

To complete your claim, copy the following code and publish it on your blog. The code can be either in a post or a sidebar, but it must appear on your blog’s front page. You can delete this post after your claim is complete.

After you publish this code, make sure it appears at this location:, then click below to complete your claim.

OK, so, here goes…

Add to Technorati Favorites


  1. Joe,

    I tried to find you on Technorati, without success. Are you having challenges with claiming your blog?

  2. Tshombe, it was pretty straightforward and easy, actually. I am listed on Technorati.

    When you click through, you should get a message that says,

    Almost finished!

    Adding to your Favorites.
    Tag this favorite?

    Tagging Favorites helps you organize them. Tags are optional, and you can always add them later.

    You can leave that blank, but you do have to hit the “Add to Favorites!” button on the bottom to get to my page. Thanks.

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