Peter Schiff — Total Nutjob?

Peter Schiff (Euro Pacific Capital Management) went on and on about how bad things were going to get with US stocks since 2006. And he was roundly ridiculed for it by a host of commentators.

I’m posting this less to celebrate Peter’s vindication and more to promote financial journalism as “entertainment.”

I surprised myself. I watched all 10 minutes of the video here and reflected that had I seen these exchanges, I would have dismissed Peter’s apocalypse.

But I do not dismiss Investors Business Daily (IBD). Every day, the paper writes “The Big Picture” and indicates if we are in a rally or a correction. It routinely reminds us to stop our losses at 8 percent.

IBD saved us Hages thousands this year. If you hold securities, I urge you to check it out. Here’s a link for four free weeks of the paper and online access to their tools.

Now for the financial entertainment:


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