Love in an elevator

If you’re interested in blogging, you should discover Darren Rowse at ProBlogger.


Because ProBlogger Helps Bloggers Build Exceptional Blogs.

Clean. Easy to understand. And, once you visit his site, it’s clear he can substantiate the claim. The 776 comments on one of his posts gives it away: He has something of value to say. (See social proof.)

Yes, Darren has a clear positioning statement:

To bloggers interested in building better blogs, Darren Rowse is the blogging expert who can help you improve your blog because is a full-time blogger who blogs about blogging to a loyal (and vocal) following.

My elevator pitch

I wrote in The First Three Questions that I have a number of positioning statements, depending on the audience I’m serving.

I have the Joe-Hage-as-dad positioning.

The Joe-Hage-as-professional-who-can-help-independent-businesspeople positioning.

The Joe-Hage-as-Cardiac-Science-employee positioning.

Enter ProBlogger.

Darren prepared a free mini-course for his readers: 31 Days to Build a Better Blog (31DBBB for short). His first assignment: “What’s your elevator pitch?”

He writes, “If you’re fuzzy on what your blog is about it’s unlikely than anyone else will have much of an idea either.”

As you know, I’m very comfortable in this space but thought, “What do I want my readers to know about this blog?”

The elevator pitch for the JoeHageOnline blog

Joe Hage is a good guy to know for marketing strategy and communications.

Here’s my thinking:

1. I used my name instead of something that sounds larger than I am. It’s just me (and the people I know who, collectively, make me more resourceful than I am on my own).

2. I chose “good guy to know” to be approachable and friendly. I’m not trying to pass myself off as the definitive marketing resource. Just, well, a good guy to know.

3. My specialties are marketing strategy and marketing communications. Blogged articles on these topics are the most valuable. The other content shows the “good guy” part (the humor, stuff about my family, etc.).

P.S. As I wrote in “Why I blog,” I have a full-time job as Director of Marketing Communications at Cardiac Science and enjoy my job. I’m not looking to move and I know one or more employees are reading this along with you. So I don’t want anything to suggest anything other than what this blog is: Me, doing the marketing strategy and communications I love in an extra-curricular way.

It benefits me and the company. There’s no question building this blog helped me build, maintain the Cardiac Science blog, and manage its @cardiacscience Twitter account. Invaluable learning. Fun too.

So what’s your elevator pitch?

Give it a try below in the comments.

How’d I do, Darren?

Photo credit: kosso
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