Fun for free: Moustache for a day

Had some fun a few Sundays back while shaving my goatee. See unfortunate pictures below.

Unfortunate look #1

Unfortunate look #2

Beth had a number of colorful ways to describe this look, none of them suitable to share. I chose to keep this “look” for a day and she said,

“Good. I hope

you are embarrassed at church!”

(I was a little, but we went to an earlier mass so I didn’t see the usual faces there.)

This, and other tips to come, are a free value-added service to my dedicated readers. Should come in handy if this economic downturn continues.

For fun, I took down another Joe Hage a few months back. That was very fun.

How do you have fun for free?


  1. Yesterday my boss gave a colleague a gag t-shirt.

    It read, “Guns don’t kill people. People with moustaches kill people.”

  2. You look like Freddie Mercury

  3. That was funny.

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