Ok, it’s been a few months since I last posted but, in my defense, have you seen http://cardiacscience.com/blog lately? Man, THAT’S a full-time job right there. Thank you, Karen Anderson, for all the help you lend me. (She’s awesome and you can borrow her as long as there’s still ample time for me!)
I end up posting when I find something so compelling online that I have no choice but to write and share it with you.
Such is the Epipheo Studios‘ video, “Using Social Media for Employment by SilkRoad” I found through @PennOlson‘s post on Twitter. See below.
While, I’ll admit, I left the video with a relatively poor sense of what SilkRoad actually does, I thought the video was a valuable wake-up call for those looking for work. Truly, if you haven’t gotten on the social-media bandwagon yet and you’re unemployed, I urge you, consider it.
I was talking to a friend via instant messenger on Facebook. She has temporary work; is between jobs. I asked, “Are you on LinkedIn?” She replied, “I have an account but I don’t really like to ‘put myself out there’ online.”
Now, I recognize having your own domain and photos of your kids isn’t for everyone, but, those among you seeking work, why wouldn’t you want a document “out there” saying something like, “Hey, look at Linda! She’s got a great background and it’s just what you’re looking for?”
Take a look at the video. And, Linda, please tell me what you think in the comments. You can write “Anonymous” in the name field …
Also check out a great article from Lisa Rangel: Are You Too Private? If You Don’t Want People To Find You, They Won’t
OK Joe I agreed it’s a great video but like you I wonder what does SilkRoad do? I’m going to guess they produce videos for social media, maybe?
I am however going to forward the link to this video to most everyone I know who is looking for work either as a freelancer such as myself or an actual job with an actual brick and mortar company.
Thanks again for the info.
Thanks, Ed. Yes, I’ve already forgotten about SilkRoad but the message is solid for job seekers.