Brian Crouch with Facebook tips [VIDEO]

On a recent trip down to see Weird Al Yankovic in Centralia (thanks for the tickets, Brian!), @Brian Crouch was telling me some of the tricks he’s used to grow his Behringer amplifier brand on Facebook. (He now has more than 10,000 fans on Facebook and gets hundreds of comments.)

I thought it was interesting so pulled out my camera phone and recorded it for your benefit.

Do you have any tips to add? Leave comments at the bottom and thanks for stopping by!


  1. Joe and Brian… Thanks for the insight. It’s always nice to receive a few practical tips from people you know. …Howard

  2. Hey, That Sales Guy! Did you pick up a new tip or two, Howard?

  3. While I think it is useful for 10K members to be aware of you how do you try and engage with that many people? Social media is about interaction and so “liking” a fan page is akin to writing on the bathroom wall . Yeah everyone sees it but the value is not in the post. It is a dart on the wall toss.

    Following up with real relationship building is what gets conversions. Impressions don’t mean a lot in the world of SEO or relationship building. Personally I am rethinking the 6 K followers I have on Twitter and the 1200 on FB. Do I really KNOW and engage with them on a regular basis or am I just tossing darts?

    While having a large fanbase means you have the potential of a lot of reach that does not convert well in actuality. The larger the base, the smaller the number of friends per user. This is generally because your initial users are more likely to be early adopters and have more fans in general. Then there is the fact that the more fans you have, the greater the chance of overlap between them, such that the unduplicated audience decreases. When you have over 10,000 fans, then your factor of reach vs fans may be only low double digits.

    Now if you were identifying an highly select audience to send a really keyword rich ad and getting impressions in the hundreds then you are onto something! In this case decreased reach may appear bad, but it is actually VERY good, since it means that each time you show the ad, it’s showing MULTIPLE people below providing endorsements.

    So 10K followers does nothing to rock my boat. Getting 10 people on FB to click on my ad and then a percentage of those to convert…then we are talking about something that makes me sit up and take notice.

    I think I will spend my efforts cultivating the right ad for my niche market and getting them to come hang out on my blog and on my website and perhaps follow me on Twitter or FB but honestly, the follower count means diddly to me. I prefer to count conversions rather than just impressions and follower counts. Perhaps Brian will address what kind of conversion rate he gets from his followers?

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