Merry Christmas from the Hages 2010

Oh, we have many ways to say Merry Christmas to you this year.

First, eight-year-old Zachary had a solo in this year’s Christmas Eve mass at St Jude Church in Washington.

Second, we stumbled upon a Make*A*Wish Foundation mailbox at Macy*s. For each letter received, Macy*s would donate one dollar, up to $1 million. Here are Zach and Luke’s letters and smiling faces.

Luke's letter to Santa: Dear Santa, From Luke. I hope that the poor get's sum toye and I hope you don't fall asleep wen you giv the pepol toye's at pepol hose'is.

Luke is proud of his letter.

Zachary's letter to Santa: Dear Santa, I love Christmas. It reminds me of the poor. I care for poor and wish more people would donate to the poor, but I understand why a lot of people don't donate. They have to take care of their house. I hope we can help. Zachary Hage

If you share Zachary’s sentiment, he’s trying to raise $300 to benefit charity : water. Find out more. (Bring your wallet?)

Zachary desperately wants to help the underprivileged.

And last, Great Moments in Jewish History!

My dutiful wife Beth comes to mass for me twice a year: Christmas Eve and Easter Vigil. Yesterday she sat in the front row and, disappointingly (because the church was not full), she was the ONLY person sitting in the front row closest to the wheelchair-bound priest who celebrated mass from the assembly.

When it comes time to say The Our Father, the parish traditionally holds hands. So when the priest extended his hand to Beth, she had no choice but to take Father Joey’s hand. There she stood, visibly uncomfortable from where I and the kids were seated (in the choir), holding his hand as everybody in the church BUT Beth said the Our Father.

Maybe it was my mind playing tricks on me, but I thought I saw a few Catholics looking at her like, “How come the woman in the front row holding Father Joey’s hand is just standing there and not saying the Lord’s Prayer?”

Surely a family memory to last generations!

Wishing you all a happy holiday season and a prosperous new year, thank you for visiting my little part of the Interwebs. If I can help you grow your business in 2011, email me and let’s see what we can do together.

:: Joe Hage ::


  1. Hi Joe! LOVED your son’s solo. He did such a great job (and I’m glad the audience expressed appreciation).

    And, as far as I’m concerned, Beth deserves Sainthood (if there is such a thing) for what she did!

  2. Thanks, Tshombe. Beth was amused by your vote for beatification. Will tell Zachary he’s a hit!

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