Merry Christmas from the Hages

This was originally posted on December 18, 2008. I think the song and sentiment still work. Let’s keep our conversation going in 2010.

Here’s young Zachary with a holiday song for you. He sang a “Noche de Paz” solo (Silent Night, in Spanish) at the Christmas Eve mass and the entire assembly was transfixed on the boy. I held him in my arms before he sang and told him I hoped he remembered this night for the rest of his life. I was so proud.

Thanks for coming by my blog and I look forward to some great conversations with you in 2009 and beyond.

And I invite you to consider the perfect gift for your child’s school (or your office). Click on the image to meet a 16-year-old we saved and email me for info how to get a life-saving defibrillator.



  1. Zachary:

    Fantastic singing. I am certain you will be wonderful on Christmas eve at mass.

    Merry Christmas

  2. Tell Zachary that was awesome and he is definitely ready for Follies stardom.

  3. Zachary, you made my day. What a great voice, so strong and confident, it gave me joy!

  4. Fantastic singing, Zachary! We can’t wait to see you and Lucas in person. Love, Jeddo and Grandma

  5. When I was little I loved getting mail. I guess “getting comments” is the Internet-age equivalent.

    Thank you all for the encouragement! I know Zachary loves to read them.

  6. Lynn Moddejonge says

    You really have a good voice, Zachary! I enjoyed your song.


  7. Ah cute Video. I had to get my wife for this one 🙂

  8. Oh Joe, He sings beautifully!! What a blessing 🙂

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