Archives for April 2015

Behold the marshmallow

My (almost) nine-year-old Zachary was terribly frustrated doing his homework a few weeks back. “I’m so mad! I just want to throw something!” Choices Now, think. As a parent, what do you say to that? It’s ok, honey. Calm down. Let’s see what’s the problem? Zach, you’re over-reacting! Can you just do your homework quietly? […]

What do you want for Father’s Day, Dad?

When I was little, I would ask my father, “What do you want for Father’s Day, Dad? His answer would not make sense to me. “I don’t want anything.” Then, realizing this answer would not satisfy, “I want good, well-behaved children.” Seemed like a non-answer to me. Now I’m a Dad My children, aged 6 […]

Tweet Your Kids #5

In Tweet Your Kids, Tweet Your Kids #2 , Tweet Your Kids #3 and Tweet Your Kids #4, I wrote “Ever think ‘I should write that down’ when your child says something funny?” I use Twitter for that. Here’re some Tweet-worthy comments from my boys. Six-year-old Lucas Dad trying to watch video. Lukey: “Daddy, is […]

Dad! I don’t know how!

My eight-year-old son Zachary *could not* (according to him) remember all the punctuation rules he needed for an upcoming test. I said, “Can you remember PCC BED?” I will give you a dime if you say “PCC BED” one hundred times. He did. I said, “When the test comes around, ask for a piece of […]


Back then I got straight A’s at school. Dermott sat behind me. Dermott didn’t do his homework, tried drugs early, slept in class. I liked Dermott. He was one of the cool kids, always smiling. He accepted me, a nerd. Deep down I thought I was on the “right path” and Dermott was on the […]

A little love…

… can go a long way. This took me an extra 45 seconds and I know what Zachary’s reaction will be. What one little extra can you do for your child today? Good luck from a fellow dad, :: Joe Hage ::