Archives for April 2015

Sharing love, anytime.

I can see Lucas playing basketball from my home office. I just ducked my head out the window to say, “I love you, Son.” He replied, “I love you too, Dad.” Then I shut my window and returned to work. I imagine him feeling good knowing Dad is watching and appreciating him. The kind of […]

Gambling With My Kids’ Money

We learned about gambling at this year’s vacation. The resort gave us three $10 vouchers to double any $10 bet we placed at the roulette or card tables. With the kids waiting in the lobby, I placed a two-for-one bet and won on red. I came back to announce I had won $20. What should […]

The Real Hages of Washington

More fun for free: Make a comic strip of your very own family life. Yes, this really happened. See the entire “Real Hages of Washington” series on my Facebook page. :: Joe Hage is chief storyteller for Medical Marcom, a medical devices marketing consultancy helping medical companies become more approachable and engaging. ::

Eulogizing My Father

My dad has a little brown spot on his hand. And when I was little he told me it was a ticklish spot. We were in our den and he was on the phone. I decided to tickle the spot. “It’s not ticklish when I’m on the phone,” he said. As it turns out, Dad […]

The Last Day with My Father

I got there at 11:00 or so. He was sleeping but woke to a “really good” day. I got talk to him as I would someone in perfect health. With Mom nearby, I talked about my new business (“So proud of you”) and my family (“I love you more than you know”). I showed JPEGs […]

Saying Goodbye to Dad

I don’t know if I’ll hit the publish button. I’m collecting thoughts after the most memorable Father’s Day of my life. My dad is dying. At one point today, my mother, sisters, and I crowded around my father’s bed in the assisted living facility. We professed our profound love for the man and each got […]