Archives for November 2008

Big words: good or bad?

I have a rich vocabulary and I like using it. Is that so bad? According to one of my closest Wharton buddies, yes. “As soon as you pass the SAT exam, you should get rid of those words. First, you sound arrogant. Second, when use words people don’t know, you make them uncomfortable.” I brought […]

Exit popups … worth the pain?

Pros and cons using exit popups (aka exit popovers). A friend shares his rationales and successes.

A Twitter dilemma: To follow or not to follow

In Six Ways, I talked about ways to influence and persuade. Chief among them: reciprocity. You do something for someone else, they do something for you. So when someone starts to follow me on Twitter, I feel somewhat obligated to reciprocate. Not following follow them back says one of two things: – I don’t find […]

Peter Schiff — Total Nutjob?

Peter Schiff (Euro Pacific Capital Management) went on and on about how bad things were going to get with US stocks since 2006. And he was roundly ridiculed for it by a host of commentators. I’m posting this less to celebrate Peter’s vindication and more to promote financial journalism as “entertainment.” I surprised myself. I […]

New poll feature on LinkedIn

LinkedIn has a new feature which enables users to create polls for free. Please take this one. I created it in five minutes.

The making of a viral video

Viral doesn’t have to mean millions of hits. See this innovative way to convert a few dozen views … thousands of times over.