Archives for September 2008

Joe Hage FAQs

How do you pronounce your last name? What’s the D in “JDH” stand for? And other important answers you need to know about Joe Hage!

Twitter: One Week, Seven Joys

Technically, it’s only five days since I joined. I’m loving it. Visit my page at You need to join. For the uninitiated and according to Wikipedia, Twitter is a free social networking and micro-blogging service that allows its users to send and read other users’ updates (otherwise known as tweets), which are text-based posts […]

Still no AED defibrillator?

We saved a six-year-old a few weeks ago. I do hope you have defibrillators in your kids’ schools. My company Cardiac Science is giving an automated external defibrillator (AED) away in a few weeks to one lucky sponsor of the Heart Walk. I’ve had relatively few sponsors which should increase your chances. Click here to […]

Best place to go into sudden cardiac arrest? Seattle.

I’m glad I live where I do. Improve your chances with an AED defibrillator. Or at least get one in your kids’ schools. (Apologies in advance for the commercial they serve up first.) There’s an AED in my kids’ school. Knowing what I know about sudden cardiac arrest, I can rest easier as a result. […]

OtherInbox at TechCrunch50

OtherInbox founder Joshua Baer presenting at TechCrunch50. You have to watch this video. You will be, like, I have to get that! He’s still in Beta testing. But founder Joshua Baer gave me a special invitation for 25 users. Click the comments box to be one of the 25!

Technorati blog claiming process

… is weird. To complete your claim, copy the following code and publish it on your blog. The code can be either in a post or a sidebar, but it must appear on your blog’s front page. You can delete this post after your claim is complete. After you publish this code, make sure it […]